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"Housebound before using Banatrol Plus"

We get so many incredible testimonials on our products from healthcare facilities around the world. Some are from large, important medical facilities, others are from doctors, clinicians or healthcare specialist. Last week we posted a testimonial from a clinician who helped a patient with short bowel syndrome who had to be readmitted to a hospital multiple times before  being prescribed Banatrol Plus to control their diarrhea.
Sometimes we get so caught up in working with the clinician that we forget about the personal impact our products have on the patient and their families. So I thought I would post the testimonial we received today from the daughter of a patient who is using Banatrol Plus.
“My mother eats a regular diet and uses Banatrol Plus for chronic diarrhea.  She has dementia and is unable to mix it herself. Will it affect the Banatrol Plus if we mix it in her bottles of Gatorade three days ahead of time? Your product is amazing!  My mother was housebound before her doctor recommended it.”
The answer to her question is that Banatrol Plus can be mixed in a liquid and stored in the refrigerator for up to three days in advance of using. But aside from that it is very reassuring to us that our products make a significant difference in the lives of so many people. It gives us a sense of mission and brings meaning to our work.
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