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Is Banatrol Plus Safe for Long Term Use?

The answer is yes! Banatrol Plus is America’s number #1 natural anti-diarrheal which works by thickening the stool without stopping GI motility. Banatrol Plus contains two sources of soluble fiber – Banana Flakes and Bimuno Prebiotic- to better manage stool consistency while also increasing the healthful bacterial of the gut.


They work together to help manage the frequency and severity of loose stool and diarrhea which can be caused by a variety of conditions. The simplicity of the product makes it ideal for continued, long term use. We do recommend consistency when utilizing the product for maximum benefits. The amount of Banatrol Plus needed to aid in the management of specific symptoms may vary, but typically we recommend starting with one pack every 8 hours or as is directed by a healthcare provider.



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